Privacy Policy

A tájékoztató közzététele

This information comes into force on July 1, 2023.

Az adatfeldolgozó személye

Name: dr. Anikó KátaI
Principle place of business: 2011 Budakalász, Klisovác utca 60.
Postal address: 2011 Budakalász, Klisovác utca 60.
Email: info [at] kataianiko [dot] com


Name of the company: DotRoll Kft.
Address: 1148, Budapest, Fogarasi út 3-5, Hungary
Tax ID: 13962982-2-42
Phone: +36-1-432-3232

Categories of processed data

When viewing the website (, the start and end time of the User’s visit, IP address, and in some cases – depending on the settings of the User’s computer – the browser version, operating system type and language can be automatically recorded with the help of cookies, the parameters of the User’s device, the settings specified by the user on the website, the subpages visited and the time spent on them. The site operator does not link (and cannot link) this data with personal data. The user decides to share them by specifying the explicite authorization given to us and the cookie settings specified in his browser. Other data provided during the use of the website (name, e-mail address, telephone number, etc.) are also processed with the voluntary consent of the user.

The site operator requests that minors as defined in IV. title § 2:10 of the Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code shall not make a legal declaration without the permission of a parent or legal representative.

Purpose of data management

The data processing serves the continuous relationship between users who fill out a test or message sending form via the website and the operator of the site, as well as data management related to the use of related services.

With the help of cookies, the system automatically generates data on the duration of the visit and the number of pages visited so that the website operator can further develop and optimize the website’s services. The Operator also uses cookies to make the use of the website more convenient during the next visit. Other data provided by the user is used and managed by the website operator solely for the purpose of providing a higher level of service to the user.

The site operator can contact the user by e-mail, telephone or postal mail, unless the user has marked one of these as a preference. The site operator does not use personal data for purposes other than those indicated. The data provided on the website is processed with the voluntary consent of the user. Without the user’s consent, the website operator will not forward, publish, sell, rent or make the personal data available to third parties, provided that this is not required by law.

Duration of data management

The session IDs are automatically deleted when you leave the website, but another part of the cookies helps the site operator in that, through their use, the site operator is aware of the user’s previous settings, the data and information provided by the user, and other aspects of the use of the website. with its characteristics so that you do not have to enter them again on the next visit, and your settings are loaded automatically in order to achieve a more pleasant user experience. The expiration date of these cookies varies, but they are typically present on the user’s device until the user deletes them.

Access to data

The personal data provided by users cannot be accessed by anyone other than the site operator.

The website operator does not transfer personal data to third parties other than those indicated. This does not apply to data transmissions requested by any statutory, mandatory, court, prosecutor, investigative authority, infringement authority, public administrative authority, the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, or other authorities based on the authorization of legislation, which can only take place in exceptional cases. Before fulfilling each official data request, the operator of the site checks for each individual data whether the legal basis for data transmission really exists. The legal representative of the site operator can also get to know the personal data if there is a legal dispute between the person concerned and the site operator.

The data subject’s rights related to data management

The legal basis for data management is the voluntary consent of users. Users can request information about the processing of their personal data. Upon request, the operator of the site provides information to the data subject about the data it manages, the purpose, legal basis, and duration of the data management, the name and address of the operator of the site and its activities related to data management, as well as who receives or has received the data and for what purpose. The information can be requested at the postal address of the site operator or at the e-mail address

The user can also initiate the correction and deletion of his personal data at the same contacts. In the case of inappropriate use of the Website’s services, as well as at the User’s own request, the associated data will be deleted. The deletion takes place within a maximum of 7 working days from the initiation of the deletion request.

By clicking on the unsubscribe link in the newsletter sent by the website operator, the user can independently delete the personal data registered about him without a separate request.

Enforcement the rights related to data management

A user who feels that the operator of the site has violated his right to the protection of personal data can assert his rights based on the Hungarian legislation in force at all times, or he can also request the help of the National Authority fo9r Data Protection and Freedom of Information (NAIH). The detailed provisions regarding this, as well as the obligations of the website operator, are set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data, as well as the repeal of Directive /46/95/EC and in Act CXII of 2011 on the the protection of personal data and the disclosure of data of public interest.

When creating the Data Protection Statement, Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council of April 27, 2016 (EU) 2016/ 679,  Act CXII of 2011 on informational self-determination and freedom of information, and Act VI of 1998 on the promulgation of the Convention Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data were taken into account. The site operator will investigate the complaints within a maximum of 30 days. If the data subject does not agree with this, he has the right to contact the National Authority for Data Protection and Information.

National Authority for Data Protection and Information

Address: 1125 Budapest, Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 22/c.
Postal address: 1530 Budapest, pf. 5.
Phone: +36-1-391-1400
Fax: +36-1-391-1410

Relevant legislation

  • Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-determination and Freedom of Information
  • Act CVIII of 2001 on on Electronic Commerce and on Information Society Services (cf. §13/A)
  • Act XLVII of 2008 on the Prohibition of Unfair Commercial Practices vis-a-vis Consumers,
  • Act XLVIII of 2008 on the Basic Requirements and Certain Restrictions of Commercial Advertising Activities
  • Act XC of 2005 on the Freedom of Electronic Information Services,
  • Act C of 2003 on Electronic Communication (cf. §155)
  • Article 29 Working Party Opinion 16/2011 on EASA/IAB Best Practice Recommendation on Online Behavioral Advertising

Anikó Kátai, responsible for data management, reserves the right to amend or supplement this statement. Please visit this website regularly to review these rules and any new information.